About Us

Our Origin Story

BreakOutwards was founded in 2023 by Tim after 4 years of living abroad as a digital nomad and travel blogger. As an avid traveler and remote worker himself, he realized the tremendous value in bringing together location-independent communities.

Break Outwards is his attempt to give back by inspiring others to transform their work and lives.

Our Mission

We aim to:

Empower people to transform their work and lives through location independenc.

Facilitate exciting experiences that push people outside their comfort zones

Foster positive personal growth and self-discovery

Promote alternative lifestyles beyond the 9-5 status quo

Inspire a global community of digital nomads, remote workers, and brave explorers

Why work with us?

Our Values:


We believe in living life on your own terms, free from restrictive expectations.


Meaningful work and experiences are key to a satisfying life.


Push your boundaries through new adventures and perspectives


Growth comes from challenging yourself and evolving.


Human connection and belonging are vital.


Respect the planet by reducing your environmental impact.

We live these values through:

Curating transformational retreats and workshops

Providing resources and education for location-independent lifestyles

Building an inclusive community of like-minded changemakers

Operating ethically, ecologically, and socially responsible


Our Bold Vision

While we are starting small, we have an ambitious vision for the future as we grow our global community platform. Our hope is to inspire and enable 100,000 people to transform their work and lives through location independence over the next 5-10 years.

To accomplish this, we aim to host retreats in over 50 countries worldwide, providing transformational experiences across the globe. We also plan to share our knowledge through online courses, podcasts, books and other resources that make the nomadic lifestyle accessible. An app to connect our nomadic community members is in the works, facilitating real friendships and advice sharing.

As demand grows, we'll expand our team to 50+ remote staff members passionate about our mission.

The journey begins with a single step. We started as one founder's dream and have bold plans to evolve into so much more.

With your support, we know BreakOutwards can become the preeminent community empowering people to live life on their own terms. Join us in turning this vision into a reality!